Office Address

Postal Code: 1439817435, Tehran,Iran

Phone Number

+ (98) 21 88356138

Email Address

INGP Holding Cultivating Thriving Communities and Destinations.
Where Wellness Intertwines with Travel and Community Vibrancy.
INGP Holding is a leading investor and developer committed to shaping the future of vibrant communities and destinations. We do this by weaving the concept of well-being into the very fabric of the spaces we create, fostering a unique synergy between travel experiences, community development, and individual well-being.

Visionary Projects

Entertainment & Tourism Complexes and Villages

  • Imagine amusement parks integrated with fitness centers, shopping malls offering calming meditation gardens, and cultural centers hosting health workshops. We design spaces that seamlessly blend leisure with holistic experiences.

  • Thriving Malls & Welfare Complexes

  • We envision malls transcending retail therapy. Picture community hubs offering access to fitness studios, healthy food options, and mental health services, fostering a culture of well-being for all.

  • Sustainable Hospitality

  • Discover eco-friendly hotels and resorts prioritizing renewable energy, local sourcing, and community engagement. These havens offer transformative wellness experiences while minimizing environmental impact.

  • Empowering Free Zones & Special Economic Zones

  • We believe economic prosperity thrives alongside well-being. We invest in creating zones that attract businesses focused on wellness industries, creating jobs and fostering innovation in the sector.

  • Guiding Principles

    Holistic Integration

    We seamlessly integrate wellness into every aspect of our developments, from architecture to programming. Mindfulness, fitness, and healthy living become part of the experience, not just an add-on.

    Community-Centric Approach

    We believe in empowering local communities. We partner with local businesses, artisans, and wellness practitioners to create authentic experiences and shared prosperity.

    Sustainable Practices

    Environmental responsibility is at our core. We prioritize renewable energy, water conservation, and waste reduction in all our developments.

    Technological Innovation

    We embrace technology to enhance well-being. We're at the forefront of smart city solutions that promote healthy lifestyles and environmental sustainability.

    Join Us in the Journey

    INGP Holding invites you to explore our vision and discover how you can be a part of creating thriving communities and destinations. Contact us today to learn more about our projects, partnership opportunities, and how we can collectively shape a future where travel and community development intertwine seamlessly, fostering well-being for all.
    Together, let's build a future where every journey leads to a thriving community and individual well-being.